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Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law

This Article highlights Mathew 5:17-20, were Jesus uses Chrystal clear language that He did not come to abolish the law.

He furthermore makes it very simple for us to understand what He is saying, by referring in 2 separate occasions within Scripture, that not one letter of the Law will pass as long as we have this Heaven and Earth.

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What is the Law and what is it not!

An article that gives an overview what the Law of God is by highlighting what the Law of God is NOT!

Once you get a clear understanding of what the Law of God is you will also understand why David says that he loves God’s laws and why Paul calls God’s law a delight, holy, righteous and good.

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I Never Knew You, you workers of lawlessness

This is an article that most Christians like to ignore or prefer not to think about, but it is very important for every Christian to seriously investigate. It talks about Mathew 7:21-23, where Jesus basically says that most people calling themselves Christians are not considered by Jesus to be Christians. For me this was one of the scariest passage in the whole Bible.

Find out why it does not have to be that scary.

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In saying this, Jesus declared all foods “clean.”

By using 3 single verses we see that mainstream churches try to build a doctrine that is not based on context, telling us that we now can ignore God’s dietary laws and now eat what ever we want.

The Covid 19 Pandamic is showing that God had very good reasons to tell us what is clean and what to consider unclean to eat.

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Reading the Bible in proper context

As mentioned in the Intro of the web-site, when we take the text out of context we are left with a con (context-text=con). It is important to read scripture in proper context to be able to get a correct understanding of what the Bible is trying to teach us.

In this article we outline 5 simple keys you can use to start reading God’s word in context.

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Are we disciples of Christ or of the church fathers

Are we disciples of Christ or Church Fathers, as disciples we have to imitate Christ and do as He does. When we look at Christians today, we see that most don’t follow Christ in the same way as the Disciples did in the first century church. In this article we look at what Jesus Disciples did and taught and how this is in contrast to what the early church fathers taught and did.

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